

Your subscription or donation of $10 or more automatically gives you membership of MHRS for the financial year and voting rights at the AGM. As a member you will receive our member e-newsletter which keeps you up-to-date with our activities as well as opportunities for you to become involved in events or projects. In between newsletters we periodically alert members to opportunities to take action or provide us with feedback on policy positions.

How we operate: We were formed in 2011 and registered as a nonprofit. Our chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer and executive committee are all volunteers, elected each year at an AGM of members. We welcome others who want to join the committee during the year and help out on projects or policy. We believe decisions are best when they come from the community rather than being imposed on the community. We engage in plans and policy development, organize community projects and initiate research on topics affecting the harbour.

The importance of members: Members are our source of strength and demonstrate the wide community support for harbour improvements. We depend on our members for input and feedback on our initiatives and where they can, their time, knowledge and connections to people who can help us enhance the recreational amenities and environmental qualities of the harbour.

We depend on membership subscriptions, individual gifts and the donation of materials, time and expertise by our members and supporters to continue our activities and initiatives. We have no paid staff.

We have been successful in applying for grant funds from Auckland Council as well as central government and it is our aim to continue to expand the sources of grant funds as well as corporate funding needed for future research and community projects.

Membership dues and gifts are used for practical purposes such as filing and reporting fees, resource consent fees, equipment hire, materials and supplies.